Friday, March 28, 2008

Arbor Day is early this year

So I joined the Arbor Day Foundation and as a gift for joining I just received TEN trees!
2 Sargent Crabapples
2 Eastern Redbuds
2 Washington Hawthorns
2 White Flowering Dogwoods
2 Goldenraintrees
And as an added bonus I also got a fragrant lilac shrub. I have no idea where these are going to go, but my sister expressed interest in the crabappples and I am thinking of giving one of the dogwoods to another sister. Other than that, I am stumped (no pun intended) as to where the others are to go. I do have about two years to figure it out though. The foundation recommends planting them in a 'tree nursery' to get them started for a year or two and then transplanting them to their permanent location. Now I just need to find a spot to plant this nursery : )
And lastly - it snowed today. Ugh - when will it stop?!?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

My lawn is #1 on the To Do list

Today I spent the day focused on my lawn. I aerated the front and side yards with my "Hound Aerator" that I just bought at Home Depot. There were so many ugly plugs all over the lawn which makes me think I did the right thing at the right time! After walking the Hound across the lawn I raked the HELL out of it to get up old growth and thatch (keeping in mind I held my core muscles the whole time for an extra work out)! The lawn looks better already - amazing what getting rid of the brown can do.
I also dug up the new portion of my garden, tilled the soil and added some compost. I am hoping to put in some scallions and lettuce seed within the next few week.
Yesterday I planted my Blue Girl Rose bush and am hoping that it isn't too early or cold - keeping my fingers crossed on that one!
The best thing I did today was help my neighbor (aka Mr. Scotts) order the organic material that he needs to take care of his lawn. I cannot even express the joy that I have that he has decided to go organic. I am really so proud of him because it takes a lot to get off of the 'drugs' to make this planet a better place. He is ordering from Garden's Alive and went for the WOW Supreme and some grub control. He is now so into the organic way that he is also ordering a tea composting kit! I LOVE IT! Now I have to hook up a system for tea composting too. I am looking for the 'passive' way which will require some stirring and manual labor because I don't want the thing sucking up the electricity for the aerating pumps.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


You know Spring is on its way in New England when the crocuses make their appearance - and here are the first of mine to show their happy faces

The ground is nasty, tons of old mulch and fallen twigs but still they have arrived! Now keep in mind, I didn't plant these and they were not in this location last year! The nearest crocuses are in the front yard some 50 or so feet away, so I really have no idea how they got there, but whatever, they will be gone by the time what I did plant there shows up.
The kaleidescope and jimmy tulips I planted are coming up as well - we'll just have to wait to see if they really bloom though. My tulips are notorious for being sterile - lots o' green, no blooms. Hopefully the bulbs alive I sprinkled in the holes will help the blooming process!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ah-Hah - so that's what that is!

So I went to the New England flower show today - the theme was Rhapsody in Green and it was all about organic gardening - right up my alley. I had quite the ah-hah moment while I was there when I saw this:
I have two of these in my yard and I had no idea what they were! I cut the heck out of one last year because it was way too overgrown and the other one sits next to my front porch steps. When I Googled it every site said it was a slow grower so I am assuming the ones I have growing have been around for a while. And it also says 'slight fragrance' HA! I think not those little white flowers smell like cat urine. I hate both of them! I would love to do away with them but I have so much going on right now they will receive a pardon for this year!
Oh - and before I headed off to the flower show I pruned my blueberry and rose bushes. They have both been here for years and never pruned! There was so much dead wood it's no wonder I never get berries or flowers! I am hoping that this was a good time to do it. Typically I have read late winer early spring so I am pretty much banking on this is that time!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Move in ready

How cute are these?

I figure I am making a friendly garden for my fine, feathered, friends I might as well give them a safe place to rest and digest. The purple one on the left is actually a feeder. Behind/under the orange part is a screen where you can add the seed of choice. I am actually going to go for mealworms or grub, something a little different that what I have in the other feeders. I really don’t think anyone will be setting up home in the yellow one, but it still really cure and although you can’t see it, the sides are painted magenta which will blend in nicely with the new flowers.
I also got a butterfly house – MUCH bigger than I imagined. I have only gotten around to painting the stake, but will definitely post the finished product – whenever that may be.
And before anyone starts posting about toxic paints I used a water-based, non-toxic acrylic from Folk Art meant to withstand the outdoor elements. Right on the label (and also on the cap) is a picture of a birdhouse – so I am taking a chance and believing their marketing techniques that it is safe for my little friends.