Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bringing it indoors

Yup, it is that time of year in the Northeast where all the activities are done indoors. The first frost has hit and settled in. I have drained the rain barrel, dug up the garden, ditched the annuals out of their containers and boxes and raked more leaved than I can even begin to count.
I tried bringing in my basil and sweet potato blackies but that didn’t work so well. I think the blackies had a pest or disease that dropped onto the basil plants because the leaves looked like they were chewed off. Needless to day both basil plants and the blackies have since gone from the house. I even took a hose to the blackies after repotting them to get rid of any miniscule, microscopic bugs before bringing them into the house but alas, Mother Nature got me again.
The garlic I planted in September, which grew pretty fast is now back into the ground where it will remain for the rest of the winter in hopes that it will re-grow in the spring.
Because November till March is pretty dormant up here for the gardening scene my posts will be few and far between. Unless I find a great new site or purchase some new seeds don’t expect to hear much from me over the next few months. As I mentioned in my opening – the activities have moved indoors and I have some major reconstruction to take care of!

1 comment:

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