Friday, February 29, 2008

Lots of planting in my future

Holy Cow - have I ordered a lot to plant in the spring! I am always so overzealous when it comes to ordering stuff – I think I have an online ordering addiction. I have 42, yup forty two, plants coming in the spring to plant!!!! I am going to be a busy little bee for sure. To add to my butterfly/hummingbird extravaganza in the back I added both white and pink dragonflowers, Nora and Christa Barlow Columbine, sedum emperor’s wave, more coneflowers, pentesemon, some salvia and oh how I hope it grows edelweiss! Someone please stop the catalogues from coming – they are without a doubt my downfall!
Today I just order my bags of corn gluten to keep on top of that nasty weed grown on the lawn. Four 20lb bags from Garden’s Alive will do the trick I am sure.
I am interested in this new zyosia grass plug craze that seems to be inserted into every catalogue and magazine lately. It seems to good to be true. I am going to look into it and most likely try it out – hopefully with good results to report!

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