Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So, let’s review the weekend – I dug up that god-awful burning bush. I wish I could take all the credit but I can’t, I had some serious help from my neighbors who put in some manual labor in getting the majority of the main roots out. I tilled the soil with some compost, added lots o’ water and am just waiting for the Gardenia.
I have talked (typed) so much about my garden but I really am taking care of the whole yard and I have really big plans, here are a couple of before pictures. I actually added some Autumn Joy sedum from my sister into the mix before the whole process was in the works, but I ordered a plenty of perennial, flowering bushes and am planning on edging the border out further and in some sort of circular/scallop type shape (Jefe, the dog, is standing guard in the picture).

The lawn also needs some serious re-seeding and some love and care (not to mention a little less Jefe). That is on the list for this weekend. I just need to figure out how to put down the corn gluten and still reseed. Seeing as the corn gluten kills all seeds – including grass – I need to wait six weeks before putting down new grass seed. That puts me into October because I also plan on putting down the N-Lite fertilizer. I think that is too late so I may forego the gluten this season and just apply heavily in the Spring – the verdict is still out on that one though.

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