Thursday, August 9, 2007

Welcome the Watermelons!

I discovered an egg size watermelon today under all that greenery and I am so excited. I didn't even know it was there and I investigate almost everyday to see how things are progressing back there. I pollinated two and they seem to be doing ok and then tonite I found 5 more - not including the biggie. My first attempt at watermelons and I think I found the perfect spot for them. They are growing like crazy and in all sorts of directions but I don't mind - as long as I get some fruit out of them all is good.
This weekend I am planning on digging up a lot of the stupid crab grass, pulling out what few dandelions there are and pruning down the bushes. I need to get ready for the next round of corn glutten. The directions say between August 15 and September 15. But I also need to use the N-lite fertilizer which needs to be done 2 weeks after the corn goes down. And then I need to sow the seed which has to be 2-3 weeks after the N-lite and up here in New England you never can tell what is going to happen with the weather so I am planning on having everything sown and taken care of by end of September. How sad, already planning the fall "to-do" list. Where did the summer go?!?
I am also on the hunt for a flowering perennial shrub and I don't want the same old same old. I am looking for a late bloomer, something different that you don't see on everyone's front lawn, and that can live in not so great soil. A tall wish list, but I am sure I can find something. I am going to attempt to uproot the burning bush that never burns. I hate that thing. I've pruned it down and now it looks like a bunch of sticks - very unatractive. One of the hydrangeas may have to go too. They haven't bloomed in two years and al that green on one side of the house is so boring.
So the next two weekend are busy, busy busy. Stay tuned....

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