Sunday, April 6, 2008

Perrennial Planting and Weed Control

So this weekend I put down my WOW Supreme to control weeds and also fertilize the lawn. I used 20 pounds for the front and side yards and I still need to take care of the back yard, but it really needs to be over seeded which is something I cannot do with the corn gluten that is in the WOW because it kills all seedlings, including grass.
I also got all of my plants in the ground - all 32 of them. I am still waiting for plenty more but I am headed out for vacation and needed to get them planted sooner rather than later. I finally got my pentasemon that I ordered last fall and I planted those out front as well.
I also started my rosemary and moonflower from seed indoors. Last year the moonflower did horribly - it never grew more than 2" and I think the squirrels dug what little I had anyway. Hopefully this year they will take.
I brought out all the painted bird and butterfly houses. They look really cute in the back. If it were even remotely sunny out at any given time this weekend I would have taken a picture to show - but it was overcast and misty the whole weekend - maybe when I get back!
The Katherine Hodgkins irises came up on April 1- they are so small and cute - again the picture will follow.
I also got a lot of outdoor decor the spruce up the place, and even without the sun or any blooms it really has helped!

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