Monday, September 3, 2007

Pre-emergence weekend!

I finally got around to putting down my corn glutten this weekend. I was debating if I wanted to kill the weeds or plant seed and grow more grass. I chose to kill. I ended up putting down twice the "accepable" rate just to be sure. I used a 20lb bag that I ordered a few months ago all in the front and just a small portion that is pretty much all crab grass in the back. I still have another 20lbs for the rest of the back yard but there were so many leaves that I didn't feel like raking. It is kind of a fruitless task. The oak tree is sending down leaves and acorns faster that I can get them up. With all the acorns it is almost like you have to wear a hard hat on the back deck!
I also harvested ymy peppers. I got about 5 - they are pretty small and look confused - they are half red and half green. I should have picked them sooner to get greens, but they were so small I thought they needed some more time to grow. I am getting new flowers on them now too. I am not sure how long the weather will hold for them but all I can do is wait and see.
I planted more spinach seeds too. The last batch got me nothing! maybe I planted too deep or watered too much and they soaked away. I am not really sure but we'll see how these ones do.
Next weekend I think will be a weekend of rest. Spending all weekend doing yard work I have neglected my house. It needs a good fall cleaning!

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