Monday, June 11, 2007


I have been so focused on my garden I have forgotten to show TLC to other plants in the yard!!! The leaves on the rose bush out back are covered in brown spots - a sure sign of fungus AND they are COVERED in aphids. It is only time before they head over to my prized garden. My only saving grace, at least I am hoping, is that the garden is on the complete opposite side of the yard. I have been thinking of buying some lady bugs to help out with the problem, but I am not sure if I want to release 1500 lady bugs into my backyard - beneficial or not!
The poor peonies didn't get one bloom and they too have a white powdery mildew on several leaves (as do my neighbors). Alas, maybe I am not the gardener that I thought I was : (
I also planned out the garden a little weird - for some reason I thought I could "train" zucchini to grow up - NOT. Those little buggers are growing like mad and are about to mow over a few red pepper plants. I am hoping to cage them this weekend to spare the lives of my precious peppers. There are already flowers (male and female) on the zukes, so I don't want to shock them too much. What's a girl to do?!?
The buttercrunch lettuce looks ready to pick, but it has only been 1 month. The "instructions" say 60 days to maturity. maybe I am "super gardener" for some things and "not so hot" with others. The tomatoes look good and so far I still have all my flower buds, which means the squirrels and birds haven't located them yet. I am keeping them distracted with the safflower and sunflower seeds.
The garlic spray went down and oh god what a smell. I can see why the squirrels stay away!! Not a bad smell but holy garlic batman! I have read on google that a garlic/soap spray can also keep away the dreaded aphids, so that is next on the agenda. Right after I put out those sticky traps for them. I will leave no stone unturned when it comes to making these veggies grow to their full potential!

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