Thursday, June 7, 2007

More to report....

so, I some how forgot to mention that I installed a rain barrel over Memorial Day weekend too! (Purchased through New England Rain Barrel at - and with a discount because I pre-ordered and it was my first one!) Well, I wasn't 100% sure if I did it correctly but low and behold I did! After all the rain that we had earlier this week my barrel is now 99% full! I love it - using what nature gives me to help conserve water not to mention save money! The flow coming out is V-E-R-Y slow, but heck, I can take some time out to fill a watering can mulitiple times and water all the container flowers and plants.

The garden is looking HOT!!! My zukes are growing like weeds - much like the weeds that are growing in the garden but that is another post all together. Holy cow - I already have the flower buds growing and I can totally see the males from the females so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the pesky squirrels keep their grubby mouths off of them and allow me to enjoy the veggies of my labor. The peppers...not so hot. I think that is because the weather has been so erratic. I am just waiting for one whole week where the weather stay solid and I expect those babies to shoot out like from a cannon. The buttercrunch lettuce looks absolutely fantastic - at least the cold, erratic weather is helping along some of my plants.

I have been saying this for awhile now, but truly THIS is the weekend where I will spray that all natural squirrel repellant. Now that there are flowers coming up on the zukes and the tomatoes I have got to keep them away. Fingers crossed that it will work. I am thinking of spraying it EVERYWHERE. THose little buggers are digging up the moss roses out front, trampling all over my moonflowers and they have stolen at least 4 that I can see of my morning glories. They are really starting to piss me off - this is war!

I planted the sugar baby watermelons last weekend - and of course the weather dipped because these plants like it HOT But as an added precaution from the weather as well as the damn beetles that infect them I used a floating row cover - purchased from my new favorite web site - I am not so sure how well they will do - they need a lot of room, heat and tender loving care. I really only have one of the three to offer so I am hoping the tender love will save them and provide me with some great watermelons for the season.

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